When you watch a child, you can see a freedom, a curiosity and a willingness to play. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have more of that as an adult?  

When did growing up mean being more serious and having less fun? I mean, how dull is that! Where in the world did all of this serious business come from?  

The serious answer, is it came from our programming when we were younger. As a kid, you were allowed the freedom to be a kid. That was your job. But somewhere along the line, you learned that as you grow up you aren’t allowed the same level of freedom. Until you are around the age of 13, you are modelling the people around you. By this age, you know the rules of being a serious adult. You have beliefs about being responsible, serious and trustworthy. You know the rules about having fun, messing around and playing.  

But is it really supposed to be so serious? We don’t think so. Neither did Oscar Wilde; he is quoted to have said “life is too important to be taken seriously” – how true is that!   

Here’s the good news. You know how to be less serious and more fun! You may not have given yourself permission to let your hair down for a long time (or when the rules were met, like being on vacation!), but you know how. Your cells contain the memories of you being a kid. Even if you had to grow up too fast, like many kids did – you still had moments as a child, toddler or baby where you were free to play and be.  

With NLP you will gain insight into how to reboot your mind and body back to times when you had permission to play and you can again capture more of those moments of freedom, being care free, and having fun.  

Imagine that, the ability to have more fun and be less serious in life. Do you think you could bring in fun to situations that aren’t necessarily fun? That meeting you’re about to go to, that challenging conversation, parenting!  

There are so many moments in life that would benefit from bringing in the lightness and joy that can come from having more fun and being less serious!