Everyone has internal dialogue going on most of the time – the soundtrack of your thoughts. The difference between someone who gets overloaded with their own thoughts and someone who does not is simply what they pay attention to.
NLP will provide you with sound techniques that help turn off that overactive mind and find more practical ways to know what to pay attention to. While we are always thinking, the aim is to let the background chatter be just that, background chatter.
NLP understands that the same neural pathways are used for thoughts and spoken language – your body responds the same to both. Therefore, when we experience negative thoughts or words from others – our mind responds the same way. Even written language produces the same neural pathways to be used. And, if you respond negatively to these messages, the unconscious mind will often create a sensation in the body (often tension or pain) – this sensation in turn sends a message back to the brain and a loop of negative thinking begins to run and the same patterns in the brain and body get triggered chemically, emotionally and behaviourally.
The good news – NLP will teach you to become familiar with your own patterns so that you can be aware of and map out where your thinking tends to lead. You will be able to also address any beliefs, behaviours, and unconscious filter that may exist due to past events, trauma or a lack of stability or safety.
When you know better you can do better and learning to manage your internal thoughts is a life-changing skills that everyone should know and learn to use.