Do you realise that your mind and body are connected, and affect each other? Do you also realise that it is the unconscious part of your mind that is responsible for every bodily function you have? This includes the beating of your heart, digestion of food, body temperature regulation, chemical and hormone production, even your hunger pangs and blinking of your eyes.
Most people take for granted that the body is always doing what it is supposed to do; without giving it much thought (unless it is not functioning or doing what they want), and they take it for granted. When there is an issue people often look outside of themselves for answers and if their body does not cooperate they blame it. We often meet people who become clients or students who have physical health issues that they have gone to see doctors, specialists, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, osteopaths and more – and often the external treatment doesn’t work because it is inside factors (psychological) that is creating the issues.
NLP is well known for its benefits in health and healing. In fact, NLP has many methodologies and tools that get your mind and body communicating so they know what each one wants and needs and how to go about achieving these. For example – if you knew that the migraines that you have are actually trying to get your attention to tell you that you need to express yourself more, wouldn’t that be a wonderful piece of information? Or, if your stomach ache or anxiety was your bodies way to communicate its desire for you to change how you handle stress – could you use that information?
NLP will provide you with tools to understand what your unconscious (or automatic self), is doing and what it is programmed to do. Through a variety of NLP tools, you’ll be able to align your beliefs, change behaviours, communicate with symptoms, work directly with your chemical and hormone production to ensure optimal levels of production, while creating and maintaining neurological pathways that will keep you in beneficial health.
Learning and using NLP will give you the ability to manage our conscious thoughts and behaviours. As you learn how to communicate and manage your mind you then improve your physical health in ways that will be long lasting with beneficial effects.