When NLP was developed in the 1970’s it was based on modelling the excellence of a few psychologists at the time, so the foundation of NLP is rooted in psychology. Not only is psychology the study of behaviour and the mind – we each display our personal psychology; aspects of our conscious and unconscious patterning.
With NLP you will be able to better understand the psychology of others – as we’ve mentioned throughout this chapter, a person’s mindset is made up of aspects such as beliefs, values, filters, memories, history and more. All of this helps to shape and create our psychology.
From a psychological aspect, without the need to understand the complexities of diagnosis, you will be able to understand the underlying structure of anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, helplessness, stress, stuckness, and more. Additionally, you will better understand motivation, success, creativity, freedom, choice and optimism with a clearer scope.
Not only will NLP help you to understand the psychology of others better, you will gain many tools which will help you to communicate more effectively because of this understanding and even to help someone change patterns of their psychology which might not be serving them and also build, enhance and tap into the positive psychology a person also has.