You’ve heard it before – the mind and body are connected and, therefore affect each other. This statement is relevant to the emotions, behaviours, beliefs, physical feelings, and mental well-being of us all – including our health and various ailments. Including allergies!
From an NLP standpoint, allergies is one way the unconscious mind communicates something to you – and keeps you healthy and safe at the same time. However, what if you could actually understand what the mind wanted to communicate to you? What if you could actually use your mind and body to overcome allergies.
One of our colleagues, NLP Trainer Bob Roberts, says, “Allergies are to do with the immune system getting out of control. Our unconscious mind has control over our immune system. As we know, when we’re run down and stressed out, we’re more likely to get a cold, because the stress has depressed our immune system defences. Logically, it follows that as NLP has techniques to connect with and influence our unconscious mind, then NLP techniques can also be a way to directly influence our immune system.”
Your body may react in certain ways because of various beliefs, needs that are not being met or impulses. Some allergies or intolerances are our bodies way of communicating a need to us – for some, it may be an emotional need, that when met will allow the allergy to go away; other people may experience an allergy due to a certain belief.
For example, we recently worked with a woman who was allergic to gluten – she would have a specific reaction anytime she at bread or anything with gluten. To not have these reactions, she had simply chosen to remove these food items from her diet. Using a variety of NLP techniques, we were able to pinpoint her association to bread (and all other gluten) to a childhood memory of her parents violently fighting while her older brother made all of the siblings a sandwich. One we cleared this old connection and recreate new pathways for gluten – she can once again enjoy sandwiches, pizza, cakes and many other gluten favourites!