Do you know anyone who loves conflict? We don’t. We know people who handle conflict very well, and some people seem to live for the drama that conflict creates because it may somehow give them power, but we don’t know anyone who really loves (or even likes) conflict. Sure, it is often a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean people like it.
Luckily, the skills of NLP will set you up for success at handling in conflict resolution. This would be when you are in a conflict or even if you are mediating conflict between others.
Some of the tools from NLP that you will learn and use include perceptual positions (to understand from another’s point of view), dissociation (to step out of taking something personally), separating behavior from intention (to identify why the conflict exists on a higher level), rapport (to create a cohesive relationship even with a disagreement), meta-model (questions to gain clarity), meta-questions (to gain even more understanding of what is happening below the surface), meta-programs (to identify the best way to communicate, influence, negotiate, manage, facilitate understanding in others) and respecting another person model of the world (which might help you to learn something new and see a change that you need to create to resolve the conflict).
Although a person may not like conflict, the tools and skills of NLP will help you to be adept at managing conflict resolution.