Regardless of what kind of ‘business’ you are in, NLP can help you set yourself up for more success. It doesn’t matter if you own a business, are a receptionist, salesperson, parent, artist, coach, trainer, shelf stocker – you are in charge of your mind. A couple of years ago Sarah completed our NLP Level 1 training with zero intention to use it in her job because “well, I’m just an admin”; her intention was simply to help herself to communicate better, run her mind/body more effectively and improve her relationships. Well, she did all of that – and more!
With NLP, you’ll not only learn a superb goal-setting tool, you’ll also be able to adjust your behaviours, thoughts and beliefs to match the outcome you want. Sarah learned that in her personal life when she was focusing on what she wanted and when she addressed any blocks or limitations that were stopping her she was able to easily move through them. So, she decided to try her hand at using NLP at work.
She set a Success Goal – her first goal was for others to give her verbal feedback about her improved performance. In reality, she didn’t change her performance at all – she changed her attitude toward her performance! In turn, she began getting positive feedback. Her next goal was to get a promotion to a Senior Administration role – within a few months, she got that! Sarah continued on to the Level 2 NLP training and she learned about the Disney Planning Process and she decided it was time to fast-track her work success since she hadn’t prioritised it earlier in her career. She’s recently been promoted again, this time into the marketing department of her company – she is working directly for the Senior Manager, learning a lot and using her NLP skills every day in her work, and for herself at work.
What you put your mind to, you can achieve – and with NLP you can make sure your success psychology is aligned with what you desire!