We’re sure you have met those people who are so very unaware of what is going on outside of their heads. You might be talking to one of them and they don’t observe the subtle cues you give them that its time to go, or you’ve heard that story before, or you understand their message. They keep talking and walking with you and they keep on keeping on.   This same person might step out in front of you when you’re walking and be completely oblivious to your existence. Or step into the shopping queue before you and a bunch of others because they didn’t even notice a line there.  

In NLP, we deem this as having a lack of sensory acuity. Sensory acuity is a tool that you will learn in NLP which will help you to be more aware of the macro and micro aspects of the world around you. You’ll be able to identify when someone understands you (or if they don’t), when someone is ready to go, when they want to engage, when their emotions or energy has shifted.  

You will learn an aspect of peripheral vision which will help you to be more aware of others and their place in your world. This means no more running into people, cutting people off and not listening! Sensory acuity skills are amazing to improve your communication skills and general understanding of others and the world around you. You will also pick up on more of what is going on in the world around you.